About Us

Who are we

The dream to start FIRHAD 30 WBCS Coaching began in 2014,when DSP Qutubuddin Khan attended the Annual Programme of Darul Uloom Teghia Moinia. In his Speech he gave the suggestion to begin Civil Service Coaching in our locality and said that in South India the concept of conducting Religious Education along with Civil Service, Medical & Engineering Preparation is common but it is unknown in our West Bengal State. He also said that if it is possible to begin a Civil Service Coaching at the premise of Darul Uloom Teghia Moinia, it will be great. Secretary of Madarsah Darul Uloom Teghia Moinia MD Anis like this idea. He took it as a challenge. He convince the religious head of Madarsah Darul Uloom Teghia Monina and the journey begin. We contacted Educationist, WBCS Officers to begin WBCS Coaching at DUTM premises .

Civil Service Institute require infrastructure. So we requested Our Hon’ble Minister Janab Firhad Hakim Sahab to help us in this regard. Hon’ble Minister was very kind enough to listen to our request and provided the necessary help. Infrastructure problem was now solved. At the Annual Programme of 2017 Secretary of DUTM suggested to begin Coaching for IAS and IPS. But the Committee members said that we have to begin with WBCS Coachilng first.


WEST BENGAL CIVIL SERVICE (WBCS) is prepared by one of the most reputed institute of West Bengal, RICE Education . All Faculty , Test Material , Notes , Study Material & Mock Test are done by RICE institute in our FIRHAD 30 . On some occasion WBCS , IPS & IAS officer take classes .


NEET is prepared by one of the most reputed Institute of West-Bengal AL-AMEEN . All Faculty , Test Material , Notes , Study Material & Mock Test are done by AL-AMEEN in our institute FIRHAD 30