Rules and Regulations

  1. Students must enter the Class Premises 15 minutes before the schedule time.
  2. If any student comes after the commencement of the class, he/she will not be allow to attend the class.
  3. Students cannot leave the Course before its completion and each student should be regular and punctual in their attendance. A student must attend at least 80% of the total number of classes and attend all Monthly and Mock test during the course.
  4. A student can attend Class with FIRHAD 30 Coaching for only 1 years. He/She will not get opportunity in 2nd year.
  5. If any student qualified the Govt. Job during this course or after the completion of the course he/she has to inform us with admit card and call letter so that we can have details in our record book and also we can publish their name and photograph etc.
  6. Mobile Phone should be kept switch off/Silent mode in the class.
  7. In case of absent the student must inform and submit absent letter/email to the Co-ordinator ( He/She can also text/WhatsApp/Call Co-Ordinator to inform regarding this.
  8. If a student fail to attend regularly Class, Monthly & Mock test He/She will be expelled.
  9. All above mandatory points must be strictly follow by the Candidates during the Course, Otherwise strict action will be taken against him/her.